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A behind the scenes look at the boxes that save baby's lives and the team that makes them.

Tuesdays 8/7c


World Premiere Launch Party

Tuesday 8/6  |  7pm-10pm EST

Special guests, give-aways, and more...

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Heart-breaking reports from cities nationwide inspire the life-saving work at Safe Haven Baby Boxes.  Monica Kelsey, founder, and her team work tirelessly, crack jokes, and get real about what it takes to build and install Baby Boxes. Get to know this unhinged motley crew dedicated to the rescue of infants at risk of abandonment nationwide.

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Episode 2

Married to the Mayor

Straight outta Africa! Baby Boxes are now taking the United States by storm. But it’s just another day at the office for the SHBB team. Find out which staffer just got engaged, what’s for lunch, and which state is about to get their first baby box.

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Episode 3

Yesterday was Chaos

This one’s for the trolls! Hate mail from one persistent mayor and legislature in a prominent red state pushback on Baby Boxes. Monica Kelsey and her team at Safe Haven Baby Boxes are ready to respond.

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Episode 4

These Babies Were Meant to be Found

The show hits the road as founder Monica Kelsey and her husband travel to one fire station and train first responders in rescuing infants surrendered at a Safe Haven Baby Box location. Hear firefighters' heartwarming passion to increase the number of live rescues and give hope to abandoned infants through Baby Boxes.

This week’s episode takes you on the road to Oklahoma City where a Baby Box is being installed. Over dinner, Monica and Joe hear the heartwarming story of how a baby box in China, over twenty years ago, inspired first responders in Oklahoma to join the Safe Haven Baby Box mission.

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Episode 5

No Shame, No Blame, No Judgment

In this week’s episode, we celebrate with the state of Mississippi as they pass the Safe Haven law and receive their first Baby Box! Witness the steps it takes to have a Baby Box installed and the dedication of those behind this life-saving mission.

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Episode 6

What Did You Do All Day?

This week “Baby Boxes” features the Safe Haven Crisis hotline. Listen in real time as anonymous calls come in from moms-in-crisis and their loved ones. Hear from Pam, the licensed counselor heading up the life-saving hotline, as she shares insights on which states she receives the most calls from and what happens when there’s no box near a parent in crisis.

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Episode 7

The Hotline Is Blowing Up Today



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Episode 8

These Mothers Are Afraid

Get ready for fun-filled episode 8 of “Baby Boxes” as we take you on a tour inside the Kelsey home! Hear the heartwarming story of how their family began and discover whether Monica and Joe are true DIYers.



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Episode 9

Baby Boxes Are Coming to Texas

Joe is bringing home the bacon and boxes are coming to the Lone Star State. They’re older now, but two young women who were once unwanted infants pay a visit to the Safe Haven Baby Boxes Office. Hear what they have to say and what they have to do with the “Baby Box” mission.



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Episode 10

It's Worth It

Vibe check! Monica meets with SHBB TikTok followers who are making a difference in their towns. Meet the woman who started “He Knows Your Name” and how she has partnered with the mission of Safe Haven Baby Boxes.



Streaming 10/15

Episode 11

Loved Not Lost

Love is in the air and infant rescues are on the rise. Author Monica Kelsey meets with the “100 Women Who Care” Committee of Elkhart County.



Baby Boxes

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